Film produced as part of the exhibition “High places and clichés. Three centuries of tourist photography in Chamonix-Mont-Blanc”, Maison de la Mémoire et du Patrimoine Janny Couttet / Musée Alpin, December 19, 2019 – September 27, 2020. This exhibition is the third one produced as part of the Interreg Alcotra iAlp project.

For several decades, they have surveyed the valley, the slopes and the summits of Chamonix: these mountain-footed photographers have greatly contributed to defining and disseminating the identity of Chamonix throughout the world. How has this profession evolved, in a world where the dissemination of the tourist image has been revolutionized by the internet and social networks, and where technical advances allow shots which seemed even unthinkable a few decades ago? Through the testimonies of seven photographers from the Chamonix valley, discover how photography has evolved according to technical, but also tourist and climatic changes. Original French edition, Italian subtitles available in the Italian section.